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eChart Manitoba

  • All users can access the web-based version of eChart. Visit us at Logging into eChart for more detail.
  • The original version of eChart is displayed when accessing eChart from the Electronic Patient Record (EPR) tab. EPR users that wish to access the most recent version are encouraged to log into eChart using a web browser. The clinical data displayed in eChart is the same in both versions.
  • Training on the original version of eChart is available within the Learning Management System (LMS).
  • Training is highly recommended for current eChart users. Please help us improve your training experience by answering our one-minute survey.
  • Disclaimer: All data is fictitious and for training purposes only.


eChart Navigation Training Video

eChart Fundamentals Training Video

eChart Fundamentals

New to eChart Manitoba? Watch the following video, eChart Manitoba Fundamentals

eChart Fundamentals video
(click on the image above for the video)

Micro Videos are also available to review targeted subjects in five minutes or less. Select Micro Videos to access these short videos.