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Secondary use of eChart

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Can I access eChart for secondary uses such as research?

No, eChart is not approved for any secondary uses such as research or chart audits. eChart is only approved for provision of patient care. Furthermore, eChart is not intended for research of any kind. eChart is a patient-centric application that can only be searched one patient at a time. Any use of the eChart system for secondary use is considered inappropriate use and a privacy breach. Use of eChart for secondary use has serious consequences. Please consult your privacy officer if you have further questions regarding the appropriate use of eChart Manitoba.

What if our research proposal was approved by my organization to use eChart for my research project?

No organization has the authority to approve access to eChart for secondary use.

What if I have heard or know of situations where users are accessing eChart for purposes outside of providing or supporting direct patient care?

Please contact eChart Manitoba Services or your site Privacy Officer immediately.