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What laboratory sources currently provide information to eChart?

  • Diagnostic Services, Shared Health
  • Dynacare
  • Cadham Provincial Laboratory
  • Canadian Blood Services

What type of lab results are currently in eChart Manitoba?

How quickly does a lab result display in eChart Manitoba? 

Diagnostic Services Shared Health, Cadham Provincial Laboratory and Dynacare display results in real time. Canadian Blood Services and Diagnostic Services Shared Health transfusion medicine and perinatal results are displayed every 10 minutes.   

There may be a delay for some lab results displaying if, for example, there is a discrepancy found between the demographic information provided in the lab result when compared to the provincial Client Registry information. If you cannot find a lab result that you think should be in eChart, contact the Service Desk at 204-940-8500

How do I see a result without a collection date?

Navigate to Date View and scroll to “Date Unknown” where results without a collection date are located.

Why is the collection time 00:00?

It could be that the sample was collected at midnight or that a collection time was not provided with the result. 

Why are lab results not displaying in eChart, yet I received the result in my EMR or via fax from the lab?

eChart validates a lab result based on the patient’s first name, date of birth and identifier sent by the source system. If any of these attributes do not match what the source system provides, the result will not display.

Patient identifiers sent to eChart by lab source system

  • Cadham Provincial Laboratory – PHIN. Exception: a newborn screen/infant result validates on Manitoba hospital MRN or PHIN (if available, from a non-hospital site)
  • Canadian Blood Services – MRN from a Winnipeg hospital and PHIN from a rural hospital
  • Diagnostic Services Shared Health – MRN from a Winnipeg hospital and PHIN from a rural hospital
  • Dynacare – PHIN

Canadian Blood Services (CBS)

What results are available in eChart? 

Transfusion medicine and perinatal results. eChart does not display rejected specimens, out-of-province referred-out attachments, cord samples, serological crossmatch compatibility, HLA, transplant, and platelet immunology results.

Note: An abnormal result will not be flagged. 

Where can I find the status for transfusion medicine and perinatal results?

Status changes of “Correction”, “Amended”, and “Supplementary” will display in the comment section. 

What’s the best way to view transfusion medicine and perinatal results in eChart (Original)? 

Select print preview to view the report

Cadham Provincial Lab (CPL) 

Which results will not be flagged as abnormal?

Lab results such as viral load, immune status, some referred-out and phenylalanine post therapeutic diet will not be flagged. Results that will not be flagged.

Why are only non-culture results available in eChart?

Susceptibilities are not sent at this time.

Do out-of-province lab results appear in eChart?

Infant results for an out-of-province patient will display in eChart, and only if they were seen at a Manitoba hospital. A non-infant result will not be available in eChart from CPL if the identifier provided is an out-of-province ID or alternate ID.

Are CancerCare Manitoba fecal immunochemical test (FIT) results displayed in eChart?  

Yes, effective May 23, 2024. 

What infant results are available in eChart?

  • Newborn screening, effective April 12, 2022 
  • Serology, virology and microbiology (non-culture only), effective November 26, 2024 

Note: historic results are not available 

How do I search for infant results in eChart?

There are two ways to search:  

  • Patient name and date of birth.  
  • Hospital medical record number (MRN).  

What unique patient identifiers will be sent with an infant result? 

The hospital identifier (MRN) or PHIN (if available). 

Will all infant results be available in eChart? 

No, the unique patient identifier plays an important role in allowing these results to flow into eChart.  

  • For an infant seen at a Manitoba hospital, the MRN is required.  
  • For an infant seen at a non-hospital facility, e.g., a private clinic, the PHIN is required. 

Diagnostic Services, Shared Health (DSSH)

Do CancerCare Manitoba test results display in eChart?

Yes, if the patient has their tests performed by Diagnostic Services Shared Health, and they have a valid PHIN or Winnipeg hospital MRN associated with the result.

Do lab results for out-of-province patients appear in eChart?

Yes, if they were seen at a Winnipeg hospital and their assigned MRN is associated with the lab result. If they were seen in a rural hospital, a valid Manitoba PHIN is required.