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What is the difference between eChart and eHealth_hub?

eChart Manitoba is a view only, secure electronic system that allows authorized health-care providers to access patient health information collected from multiple points of care when needed. It contains information from many existing systems in Manitoba, including, but not limited to, patient demographic information, dispensed and public health medications, lab results, immunizations, diagnostic imaging reports, primary care enrolment and Home Clinic Client Summaries and select hospital encounters. 

eHealth_hub is a Shared Health service that coordinates electronic delivery of information between source systems and authorized site electronic medical records (EMR) for patients that receive care by the site. As an example, a health-care provider could receive their ordered laboratory results electronically into their EMR instead of by fax. Visit eHealth_hub for more information about this service.  

Why would a clinic with eChart want to implement eHealth_hub?

eHealth_hub allows access to lab results and DI reports you ordered directly in your EMR as soon as they are available. Additionally, receiving laboratory results electronically allows additional EMR functionality to be utilized such as electronic trending and analysis on patient groups. Paper and fax results cannot be used for electronic trending and analysis unless the results are manually keyed into the patient chart. Visit eHealth_hub for more information about the eHealth_hub service.