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Clinical Documents

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What if there is a difference between the Home Clinic identified in the Home Clinic Client Summary and the Enrolment Status?

It is possible that a patient’s Home Clinic is different in their enrolment status report than in their Home Clinic Client Summary.  This will occur when a patient has moved from one Home Clinic, which has posted the summary, to another Home Clinic. The Home Clinic Client Summary will remain until the new Home Clinic participates in the Home Clinic Client Summary service and makes entries in their EMR that trigger a new summary to be posted. Please see the example below where the client is presently enrolled to Northwest Clinic and has a summary posted from Southeast Clinic.  

What can I expect to find in Clinical Documents?

The Clinical Documents view contains reports only. The following report types are visible :

  • Emergency Discharge Summaries
  • Enrolment status
  • Home Care Summary
  • Home Clinic Client Summary
  • Microbiology reports from Diagnostic Services, Shared Health

Are discharge reports from hospitals or doctor’s offices in eChart?

Emergency Department Discharge summaries have been added to eChart since April, 2021. Historical discharge summaries will not appear in eChart. eChart will display a document icon on the Encounters tab and in the Clinical Documents tab under Discharge Summaries. When selected, it will provide a PDF accessible to authorized health-care providers across the province.  Only discharge summaries from emergency and urgent care will available.

Why do I see lab results in Clinical Documents?

Microbiology lab results contain both text and numerical data and therefore display in a report format so they must be displayed in the Clinical Documents view.

How do I access Microbiology Results?

Although the microbiology test is referenced in the Laboratory and Test History, the result itself is found under Clinical Documents. If you select the test under Labs, you will see the message “see Clinical Document for result details”. This means that you will need to click on Clinical Documents in eChart in order to see the microbiology results.