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Frequently asked questions

Is my personal health information safe and confidential?

Yes – safety, security and privacy are a top priority during training, maintenance and use of eChart. Safeguards are in place to protect your personal health information include:

  • Manitoba’s regulatory and legislative standards on protecting personal health information, including The Personal Health Information Act, are followed.
  • An eChart user is authorized to see only the specific information required to support care.
  • User access is password protected, logged and subject to auditing.

What are my rights?

Visit Forms – eChart Manitoba to learn about your rights.

Who uses eChart?

Visit Who uses eChart? – eChart Manitoba to learn about who uses eChart.

Who do I contact if I have a question or concern about the privacy of my personal health information in eChart?

Speak with your health-care provider or contact eChart Manitoba at (toll-free) 1-855-203-4528 or [email protected].

What information is collected about me?

Visit sources to learn about the information sent to eChart.

Can I choose not to have my information sent to eChart?

No, however you can request that a disclosure directive be placed on your eChart record to hide your clinical information. Visit Disclosure Directive for more information.

What if I find an error in my eChart record?

The information displayed in eChart originates from a variety of electronic source systems, including laboratory, pharmacy, client registry and immunizations. A change to the information, if required, must first be completed in the source system and then resent to eChart. eChart can facilitate communicating the error to the electronic source system, but cannot directly correct or change any information it receives.

To request a correction to your personal health information in eChart Manitoba, speak to your health-care provider.